Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cheers And Fame And Meg - Letter Thirteen

Looking though the eyes of the world, it would seem silly to tell you that we have only 12 days before the "Great Earthquake" and beginning of the end. Remember! It took "Noah" 120 years to built that ship - maybe like a smaller version of the "Titanic" - the mockery that he endured while it was being built and only 8 people were saved out of a million and God told him exactly on what day it would begin....  Dear Emily, I once rented several movies of your mom. One of them was the movie "Fame". If you were to rent or buy it now, you would see Meg for about 2 seconds and her naval is exposed just like I remember her from 1976 in the "JippyVan". I had a copy of "Fame" and Your mom was actually in the film with dialouge and acting. She has always been stalked by "Criminals" who must have re-done the film and completely edited her out of it. I could have sworn that I saw her speaking lines with the Black fellow in the TV series wearing dark green sweat shirt that was cut to show her belly and waist, with her hair parted on the side (Pixie Style) and short. I  once met some fellows who told me saying "At the right time she is going to be switched". This was in 1980. They were not Hollywood personnel. They dated Meg around that time and it may have come true. She also told us to watch "Cheers" and she was in an episode of that but it never aired  again. We were told that she was going to be on the "Tonight Show" and I watched it. She was on with "Anthony Perkins" and for some reason it was re-done with only Anthony Perkins. Meg was told that she could not talk about her boyfriend from "Staten Island" on the show. She said it anyway - she said that she has a boyfriend named "John". The show aired once. I called the "Carson Archives" some months back and they never heard of that episode. I asked if they are missing an episode but I never got an answer. There is also another missing television show missing - "Hill Street Blues". There is the first time that Meg was on that program but there was also another episode with "Jennifer Tilly" and your mom in the same scene. They were playing prostitutes in the role. They were out to destroy the original Meg Tilly and replaced footage with the "Younger"  Meg Tilly and they may have succeeded. From the movie "Tex" through "Sleep With Me", the same girl is  acting in the rest of those films. She looked different in "Fame" and seemed to be slightly larger and older. How would I know these things? If your mom is the same person that I once knew then she would know these things. I seems like they made the switch between "Fame" and "Tex".  So you may have been born through "Margaret Chan" or "Kristina Coultas" or I do not know. Those were two names that I saw in the credits of "Fame". She also told me that her name was "Margaret Freundlich" one time. Maybe you would know or "Tim" may know if it is commom practice to edit people out of movies on the threat of criminals. There is no proof that I ever knew your mom or knew her sexaully because of such people. I believe either way that you are mine and that we are at the end and I wish that you will pray for the salvation of yourself and your family. Please understand. My next letter may be before the end. Love, John Moreno.....                         Dear Meg, I would like to correct someting that you have on you blog "The Official Meg Tilly Website". According to newspapers, your acting teacher did not die in 1986. Please look at the date of the article above.... Left click the article- (November 1985)

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