Friday, May 10, 2013

"Jennifer In My Bedroom And Gary Shandling" - Letter Thirty

Sorry Meg and Kids who are no longer kids, I had a mental recovery about a event from 1986. I think that it was in April of that year. Before I get into that I would like to thank you Meg for something that you tried to do for me. It is proof that you loved me and cared about me. You tried to love me but you could not see what was really going on at the time. These men around you were always trying to kill you and your family as well as Emily and David. This story will absolutely prove that we knew each other as well as Jennifer - Miss Twiggy 1986. Jennifer secretly knew me but was always trying to help you in secret ways. She is seen in many ways as hating me which is not true but actually used me in one of her films with "James Cahn" in case you did not know. I was taken to many celebrities such as "Alyssa Milano" and "Beyounce" and even "Whitney Houston". There are more but I turned them down when they wanted to make love even though Beyounce was one of the most beautiful black girls that I had ever seen. I thought of you. I could not go through with it my love. However if you can remember, you sent me a schoraloship to Pace Univerisity. When I opened it the "Parakeet Head" and "Mr.Garofalo" aka "Hazen" immediately said to me "You gotta sign that over to dis kid!" They attacked me while I was waisted and I was angry but signed it over to a guido who was a little bit younger than me. It definately had my name on it as the person who gave it to me. Why would you attempt to give it to me unless you knew me? They scratched out my name and gave your gift to some Italian boy! But maybe the school has a record and the bank as well! Well I have more proof that we knew each other - if you can relay this message to your sister Jennifer while you read it then it would be a great help. I do not know if you knew about my encounters with other people. You could have asked me but I think that you were being lied to as well. One day I was asked by your sister Jennifer to watch a TV show called "The Gary Shandling Show". I was annoyed and reluctant not because of Jennifer but because I was secretly being tormented by the people that were with her. Also I was having problems with my father who I worked for in his Auto Body Shop. The Parakeet Head was with her as well as members of the "Widgett" gang. She had asked me to watch "The Gary Shandling Show" because she was on it and wanted my criticism. I look back and I find it hysterical when she drives the little car into the water and then steps up out of the water. She was on episode six and seven. But I noticed that she appears to be very skinny but slightly large breasted. When I was done watching that TV show in my bedroom the door opened. It was Jennifer! Jennifer Tilly walked right into my bedroom! There was the Parakeet head standing in the hallway with someone else waiting on my porch. I seemed angry not because of her but because of the other people and my dad. For some reason the rest of my family was not at home. "What did you think of the show?" she said in her cartoon like voice. I gave her some criticism however I do not remember what I said. She stayed for about five minutes and started talking to me on the hallway stairs and then left with the Parakeet head. I do not how I forgot about this but I did. There she was in my bedroom! Wow Huh? Well a week went by and I was near my house when the Parakeet and the person that I nicked named "Earl Morwhine" from the true story that I wrote pulled up and told me to get in the car. I believe that we drove to Manhattan somewhere. I was taken to meet Gary Shandling. We were on the same set as with the little car and the two fishermen. We went behind that set and there was Jennifer Tilly. "Wait there" said the Parakeet to me. I stood there with an angry look on my face not because of Jennifer but because of something that went on in the car. As I stood still Mr. Morewhine began to assail your sister. He began punching her and she began to scream and cry. It was under the command of the Parakeet Head. I felt so bad and scared for her. She was punched to the floor about twenty times. I do not know if she survived, Meg. Gary Shandling did nothing but was secretly scared. Jennifer no longer appeared on that show. Maybe she was scared. Maybe she was dead! "That's because of something she said!" said that Parakeet. My mind if still fuzzy concerning this but on another day I was invited to drive the little car into the water. They were trying to kill me and I would not cooperate. Your sister developed a much better body after that especially the knockers. I feel terrible and I hoped that she is alright. I did not know what they were going to do or what it was all about. I do not know if Mr. Shandling later said something to the police but he did not come to her aid. I myself froze and I apologize to Jennifer. I was forced 90 percent of the time to go places with these people. There were other beatings and murders. I am sorry Jennifer. My mind would always blank these things out. I remember now that the Parakeet head had entered my house many times. He entered when I rented your video "Off Beat". He said that his name was "Joseph G. Aulisi" - producer of the film. "What did you move the the G from the last name Aulisi  to the middle of your name?" I said. He just found it amusing and left. I always thought that he was a Detective with the 120 precinct here in Staten Island. Again I am sorry. If she is the same Jennifer from the Gary Shandling show then she would remember me. How can I know what is in your painful memory Jennifer? We knew each other Meg. If Emily is my daughter then Jennifer is my sister in law and I love her. I am sorry - I am sorry - I am sorry. Please forgive me. For now Love,