Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Emergency Update - Scary Memory - Letter Fifteen

Dear Meg, I regret to inform you that your sister "Becky" was once shot at one of those Kirsty Alley parties. As I was driving my cab after writing the last letter the main "Engram" came forth. The one that caused me to black out the whole relationship with Kirsty Alley and Rebecca Tilly. Becky had been a bit of a "Ball-Buster" at times - I am sorry for using such terminology, and she supposedly said something defamatory about me or someone else. Remember! These people are out to replace people. They were looking for any excuse to eliminate someone. I still do not remember all the details yet, but if I remember within the next 3 days then I will post it. Becky was on her way to the bathroom when suddenly Garofalo stepped into the apartment with a small loaded hand gun and said angry words toward her and fired into her behind. She started screaming and crying on the floor. No one really helped her while she was down and he was still ranting and raging over something that she did. I wanted to help her but he still had a gun on him. Every one seemed to be on his side so no one helped her. I do not remember what happened yet but I think somehow her body got moved outside. I remember talking to a little ParaKeet head on Fort Hill Circle who was wearing a black suit. He made it seem like the police were on the way. Time moved forward and I was at Kirsty's apartment again asking about how Becky was doing. She came in with a small limp and said that she was alright. She also had a tournequit around her thigh. Becky had made it seem like it was nothing - sort of like it was a Boo-Boo. I became infuriated by her casual attitude and began to argue with her and told her that she was dead the day before. Something was suspicious. I don't remember my exact dialogue. "You had me going nuts for last couple of days!!" Then she came back later and tried to say that the whole thing was fake. Knowing now, about the technique that these people use, this was no longer the original Rebecca Tilly. It proved that I had love for her and respected her being Meg Tilly's younger sister. Her casual attitude showed that she had no respect for anyone else. Why didn't she talk against Mr. Garofalo at that point? I had apparently secretly helped her and this is thanks that I get. You know her better than I do - if that is still your sister. However, I have seen them use the same technique on Non-Celebrities and they can no longer be found today. If I remember anything else I will add it to this Letter for you Meg. Until the EarthQuake, Love, John Moreno

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