Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Margaret Ward And The Stair Case" - Letter Seven

Dear Emily, Certain people have always been out to hurt your mom since she was a little girl. This next little story is another example of what I mean. Back in the year 1968 when Meg was living on Westervelt Avenue in Staten Island she became very moody and certain adults did not like her because of that. A certain "Parakeet Head'' along with "Mr Garofalo" were always monitoring her life as well her mom. She also showed signs of trauma and brainwashing. Her older sister Jennifer was re-introduced to your mother - "Margaret Ward" which was an alias at the time. Jennifer or whatever her real name is was introduced to Meg saying "Hi - I'm Susan your older sister!" Meg immediately screamed "I don't have a sister!!" We boys began to like Jennifer because she was taller and happier and wanted to take care of us all. This led me to believe that Jennifer is a cousin or a look-a- like trying to become Meg's new sister. After Meg had screamed Jennifer said  "Well actually I am a cousin but I am like a sister." she replied in front of us all. It seemed that Meg was a child that no one wanted and everyone was trying to get rid of her. Bonnie and these two men were slowly overtaking the house on Westervelt. There were already people missing from that address like the landlady's husband and her son Ronnie Maw. For the sake of understanding we will call the landlady "Bonnie" and her sister "Patricia" -  "The Linda Lees". The reason for calling them by this title is that they resembled Bruce Lee's wife Linda Lee. I am trying to prove that I knew what her Mom looked like. If you look up "Bruce Lee's" wife on the internet and find a photo of "Linda Lee" from the late 1960's then this what these three women looked like. The two women were trying to look like the land lady who was older - about 10 to 15 years older. Now we kids had called for Meg and wanted to play with her. Not that way! Bonnie had asked the land lady to babysit Meg while she went off to do something. She said "Yes" but was secretly angry. Meg began to play on the staircase with a little rubber ball by throwing it up the stairs and then retrieving it. The noise began to bother the land lady so she came out and yelled at her saying "Stop doing that -  you are disturbing everyone". We said "Where can your daughter play then?" "She's not my daughter!" said the oldest Linda Lee. I said "Just because she is not your daughter doesn't mean that you should treat her that way." She smiled and got it bit convicted. After a while a black fellow came along with a blonde kid with a crew cut and they began to hang around us. They were from down the road by Layton Avenue and they were not trustworthy. They were disciples of "Mr Garofalo". One of the Linda Lees had a six month old blonde haired boy. She asked me to hold the baby one time and I was photographed with him in my arms. She allowed the two new kids into the house along with Mr Parakeet and Mr Garofalo. The baby was back in his crib. When no one was looking the white kid from Layton Avenue stuck his finger into the trachea of the little baby. They and Garofalo were trying to kill him. This causes the child to strangle to death. I immediately told Mrs. Lee in secret. She seemed to like me but really did not believe me. Mr Parakeet made like he was going to do something about it. He did not do anything from what I remember. A day or two later we were over Meg's house again and I asked "Where's the baby?" The Linda Lee began to cry and say "Someone has taken him!" The Parakeet interrupted and said "He is alright -  he is next door". We went next door with him and the neighbors gave back the baby. Whether it was the same baby I don't know. However Meg continued to play her ball game on the staircase and seemed happy.. The happiness bothered Mr. Garofalo and his disciples and they planned to throw Meg down the stairs. I secretly informed Mrs. Lee about the plot but she acted like I was bothering her. We were being threatened to not say anything. I was the only one to say something. After a day or two everyone was back on top of the staircase only there was one new Linda Lee. She looked at me and said "Don't worry - I am going to take care of it" while pointing her thumb toward her shoulder thereby giving the impression that she was from the local Police Department. These three or four Linda Lees were now there together and the black fellow was standing at the back of the staircase getting ready to charge into Meg as she returned up the stairs. HE CHARGED and down flew little Meg to the bottom of the landing like the ball she had thrusted. She lay there unconscious. So much for the 120 Precinct. They wanted to call an ambulance when she did not awake. These are actually adults who allow these things to happen. It seems that they wanted to inflict some sort of wrath on Meg secretly. They did not go after the "Perp" and they did nothing. I hovered over Meg for I was secretly in love with her when she suddenly came to and said "YOU PUSHED ME DOWN THE STAIRS!!!" "You brat!! - I tried to save your life!!" I yelled. So she later told her daddy and I was no longer allowed in the house or to be around her. Can you believe the gratitude Emily? Is this the same girl that I later shared DNA with?  She told her Dad (as if it were really her Dad ) that I threw her down the stairs! What thanks I got! Is this the same girl?  We will have to wait and find out. Until then with some Love, John Moreno.

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