Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reasons Why I Believe That You Are Mine - Letter Three

Dear Emily, I had been doing much research during the past year and discovered your birth date, and I will explain why I believe that you are mine. Bare with me for a moment. Back in April of 1983 a movie called "Psycho II" was released into the movie theatres. We had seen the coming attractions earlier and decided to see it when it came out. I remember seeing it by myself and then with my friend "Dave" and his friend. When I saw it the first time I told him about this "plain ordinary" "attractive girl" who was in the movie. I did not remember that I had met her in 1968, and again in 1975 and again in 1980. Also I did not make the connection between her and the movie at the time. We saw Psycho II again and thought that it was great and fell in love with that girl. My friend found articles about her and showed them to me. But he said "John, my cousin says that she is from Staten Island!" "Really?" I said. After he said that we were followed to his house on "Prince Street" by some Italian guys about our age. They said "From now on do not say the she (Meg Tilly), is from Staten Island!" a sort of kind threat. My friend began to fight back verbally but I interrupted saying "Okay,Okay we won't say nothin - Okay, Okay" and yessed them to death until they left. So we spoke about her for a week or two and then we began to forget about her. About six months later there was a review on Siskel and Ebert concerning a movie called the "The Big Chill" and explained that it was a film about ex-hippie people in the 1980's. The review did not seem to exciting but I went to see it after about two weeks. Now, according to my research, the film was released in the theatres on September 15th 1983. I went to see it about two weeks later. That brings us to October 1st 1983. I saw the movie by myself thinking "This is going to be boring" when I suddenly fell back in love when I saw Meg Tilly in the film! Now I was happy that I went to see the film. About five days later I was being naughty and looking for ladies of the night in the Port Richmond section of Staten Island. I was flagged down by a bare footed girl in a long white men's tee shirt. It was Meg Tilly! She said "Open the door" we had..... If she and Enzo could.....WE Had SEX! Right there in the front seat of my 1973 Monte Carlo. Now I had invited her back by giving her my phone number (there were no cell phones in those days) however she never called back. That's not my fault. I did not know that she had gotten pregnant. Emily, if you would count backwards from your birthday you would find that it was approximately nine months earlier (October 6th?). You can get a calendar of 1983 and 1984 on Google. The rest of  the story you can read on the "Missing Bones Website" - "Shantilly Lace". I also believe that "Tim" was acting as a father to her and not a lover - I do not trust the papers - and that it did not look good for her to have a child with a "non-celebrity". She was just giving an underdog a shot at the title. That is why I am unknown. She must have been happy that way. It was this "shot at the title" that ruined her part in the up and coming film "Amadeus" and not a back injury. But I was brought back to her a year and a half later after being hypnotized by gangsters and I did not remember making love to her in the car. Did she know that it was me? In a later year I was stopped on the street by a man claiming to be a movie producer and he wanted me to sign some papers concerning your brother "David". I will have to tell you that story in a later letter or on "Missing Bones" but for some reason he was born on my birthday. Your mom is probably going nuts right now for me telling you this. Maybe DNA will help. I hope that you understand, but I have to air this any way that I can. Until my next letter, Love, John Moreno.

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