Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"The Tale Of Glenn Close - Far Away Too" Letter Thirty Three

Dear Emily and mom and son maybe .... I have a lot to tell you concerning your birth if you were born. I told you in the last letter that you were a homicide. But here you are on video in "Shaimee Lived Bye" or something like that. Well I have a confession to make. Once a pond a time there was a movie producer named "Tim". He lived in a house near the Los Angeles area of California. I was stoned one nite or many and some how I was driven to the house of "Tim Zinnemann" Earl Morewhine actually drove me there while I was dead in the back seat. I awoke in the front seat in a morroon cobble stone driveway in my mom's car and there was a crowd at the large wrought iron gate. They wanted to know how I got there. Tim opened the  door of my mom's car and said "Can I help You?" I said "I am sorry but I do not know how I got here." He was very polite and he invited me into his home. We spoke but at times I went a little crazy because of the people who brought me there. He was very patient and we got along. After a while he said "Why don't you go into the bedroom" -  meaning that I should take a knapp. While I was inside the bedroom a "Meg Tilly" stepped in along with a heavy set girl who was semi attractive who said "Will you have sex with me?" I agreed thru kissing and we did it but I became frightened towards the end and stopped.. But it may have been enough to get her pregnant. I just barely remember this. After I left the bedroom I was confronted by Tim who said "Did you have sex with my daughter?' I did not remember but I did not answer him anyway. I was out of there! However there was a crowd at the wrought iron gate (Tim is a good sport ) and did not have me arrested and I was allowed to leave driving my mom's car thru the gates. The press wanted to know what I was doing there in his drive way .He did not want any publicity. My mind is blank as to how I got back to New York. So what is the point Emily you might be asking? Well after the death of the first baby they meaning the "Barbado's Paradise" may have set it up that Meg can still have a baby. Do you know a "Christine Zinnemann?" I think that that is your real mom and that she is the woman who stepped in and had sex with me. She was very friendly as you might know but I think that it was to replace the original baby. Either way I might still be your father. I noticed that your never said that Meg was your Mom. Are you paid to say that ? Whether or not that you are, in this crazy Hollywood genre you should check to see if we are related. You once rang my doorbell. I did not remember any of this at the time. For it is like the "Bat Cave" - unconscious in and out!! I am sorry but you did ring the right doorbell.
 They made me forget every experience with every celebrity. We can talk if you like but I am innocent in many ways but also guilty. Most of the time these were set - ups. From a sin vantage point I am guilty! However I need to change the subject to expose a problem that has been going on since World War II. What? Is my dad  Skitzee? No but I need  to use your letter to expose a problem - namely the "Tale Of Glenn Close" I was once taken to your fake mom "Meg Tilly" out in Long Island New York. This was in 1980 before John Lennon was shot. The experience of Lennon being shot caused me to not remember Meg because I was devastated and I loved him with tears. Any way I was brought to Long Island and Meg was there along with other co stars who were about to be famous. I was greeted by "Glenn Close" and she asked me if I saw her movie. I said no and asked the name. She said "The World According To Garp" I said my "My parents saw it the other day but I work at night and it is hard for me to go to the movies".
 I had a job at Pathmark Supermarket at the time and worked between 7 pm and 10 pm. She was upset and said "How could you come here and not see my movie?" I calmed her down and then she said "It is better this way that you do not know who I am - now we can be friends!" So we became friends. I was brought back to her many times. But the first few times I did not know that it was the set for "The Big Chill". I had a fight with Meg which was my fault. I met the entire cast of the film and had dinner with them. After a while Glenn got horny and dragged me into her bedroom. She had a 12 by 12 pink water bed. I do not remember if we had sex because there was a home invasion robbery during our affair. I was punched squarely in the face and was unconscious. One of the robbers went thru my wallet and she yelled at them. When I woke up she was smoking a cigarette about 8 feet away. She has a daughter who looks like me and maybe you are related to her Emily. Meg was mad at me because of that but she later forgave me. They kept bringing me to Glenn for the next few weeks but the cast of the film had slowly slipped off. One day on a Sunday we were partying with Glenn at her home which is on a beach - just like the film The World According To Garp. She would not stop slapping me on the back and on ,my arms all day long. Finally I got angry and pulled her by the hair - HER HEAD CAME OFF!!!!" She was a man - a little Italian man and he began to run away. We were fooled all day into thinking that we were with Glenn Close. He was wearing a life like disguise of Glenn Close and began to run away down the beach. I said "Come back here!!! What is going on!!!" He explained that he was told to harass me. He did a demonstration with the disguise which I now had in my hand. He had a nurses uniform on with white nylons just like the film. When he put it back on he looked exactly like Glenn Close. It even changed his voice into Glenn Close!! Because of this Emily I was fooled and harassed by many people even my own family. They are Glenn Close's. They are all fake now - stalked by serial killers which the police do not understand. Meg was stalked in the same way. The Barbado Paradise people were openly talking about killing her in 1986 in their Tavern. I did not want to get involved after I found out the nature of these people. My mind was forced to forget the horrible things that went on. I Dianetically  began to remember things about 20 years ago but the memory of you is more recent. Maybe Christine is your mom. Was Christine wearing a disguise? Well I think that you can see the insanity but we will have to talk in another letter. Until my next letter, Love , John Moreno.

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