Thursday, June 2, 2011

Second Chance - I Am Still Here My Love - Letter Sixteen

The last two weeks cannot be explained only that the "Rapture" has been misinterpreted for at least a century. Because most Christians have a little bit of a grudge and are anxiouus to leave this world we become presumptuous and wish that it would happen at any second. There is no physical proof that God will end the world in our day, only predictions. But death is the same thing as the second coming. Death can happen at any time any where for any of us. Christ will not return for those that "Hate" him or completely disobey him. He will return only for those who truly love him. Do you watch football or baseball? Take a look at the bleachers. Look at the crowd and how many people that are there. Everyday a stadium full of people leaves the Earth. 50 Thousand? 20 Thousand? That's how many humans suffer from  "Death" every 24 hours. So if Christ does not make a specticle of himself by making people disappear, it happens constantly everyday 24 hours a day without us even thinking about it. We do not know the "Day" or the "Hour" that that stadium will come our way! God may end the world on October 21st of this year. From my encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ, he is the most misunderstood being that ever exsisted. His love for the most awful human creatures delays him from destroying this exsistence immediately. This may sound strange but I was looking at a sexy advert and Christ created her! One of the most sexiest women I have ever seen - and Christ created her! How can this be? This life is just a test and an illusion! Do I love "Meg Tilly" more than "Jesus Christ?" The answer is that I love "Christ" more than "Meg" and that is one of the reasons that I never knew that you exsisted. I still love you and Meg and that is why I am so "Fanatical". By the way, the word "Fanatic" comes from the same word for "Baseball Fan" - it is short for fanatic.